Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What is the SP University Affiliate Program?

It's a super easy way to earn money and a fantastic way of gaining business experience at a young age.

1: What Is The University Affiliate Program?
If you are a first year student looking for a great leadership position on campus, and a great way to earn extra money, this program is for you (see eligibility details in section 4).

2: What is An Affiliate?
An affiliate is someone who promotes a product or service to potential customers, in exchange for a commission on the sale when one occurs. In this case, an affiliate is somebody promoting Smelly Patch & its products to potential customers at their University, in exchange for 10% comission on the selling price when one occurs.

An affiliate is not:
  • a commission sales person
  • an employee of Smelly Patch

3: How Do You Make Money?
If you know plenty of people, making money is simple with this affiliate program. As an affiliate, all you have to do is (1) hand out coupon code cards on campus, (2) get those people to buy from SP, (3) hand out more cards!

If you're thinking "I don't have 1000 friends"... well, do you have 1000 acquaintances? How many first year students are there entering your University? How many people do you suppose walk the streets of your campus everyday? And how many of those people are looking for deals on things they love? The coupon code cards you will be handing out will give these people 10% off anything they order on www.smellypatch.com, an online beauty boutique carrying products that they will absolutely adore.

One last thing... these coupon codes are personalized. This means we have an easy way of tracking the number of people buying on our store using your coupon code, which also means we have an easy way to track your sales. If you want to up your sales, we have countless resources available to all of our University representatives that will be discussed once you become an affiliate. We also promote social networking, so you can make sales off campus as well.

4: Are You Eligible?
To be eligible for the Smelly Patch University Affiliate Program, you must comply with all of the following regulations:
  1. Must be 17 years of age or older
  2. Must be enrolled in University for 2011/2012 year as a first year student
  3. Must be enrolled in a University located in Canada
  4. Must not be employed by a company of conflicting interest (in beauty industry) while an affiliate of The Irie Group (hereby known as Smelly Patch)
  5. Must have access to a computer/laptop with an internet connection
  6. Must be able to set up a personal PayPal account

    Visit our site for more details: http://www.smellypatch.com/affiliate_info.asp
scent full of love,
Jordyn & Paityn xoxo

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